Jingxiang Mo


I build robots and software. This website is a work in progress, new projects, photos, and updates coming soon...


  • Robotics
  • Energy (Nuclear Power)
  • Urban planning


updating project links and descriptions soon...

  • OpenLCH - open source low cost humanoid
  • Flojoy Robotics - industrial robotics visual programming and testing
  • F1TENTH Autonomous Vehicle - team Singapore, IEEE IV 2024
  • Manipulator controller and planner framework - ROS1, Gazebo, C++ kinematics and dynamics controller from scratch
  • DUM-E - infrastructure inspection robot
  • Vizart Air Drawing - McHacks 2023 winner


details coming soon...

  • Efficient Visual Language Model for Robotics - K-Scale Labs
  • Cooperative and intelligent swarm robotics research - McGill University
  • Humanoid locomotion and manipulation RL research - McGill University


Contact & Links

  • Email: jxmpublic@gmail.com
  • X: @jingxiangmo
  • GitHub: @jingxiangmo